What about your long view? Current politics is just pablum for the masses as we barrel towards climate collapse. Please predict 20-30 yrs when my children are my age?

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This is one of, if not the most positive piece I have read regarding the current situation with Trump and the election. Thank you. It is good to believe that the tide is turning or, perhaps, has already turned and is gaining strength. I will that your analysis is a correct one.

I am a fan of neither propaganda nor censorship. However, I feel that reporting and comment in this national crisis has predominantly had the effect of giving Trump the centre stage and that, even when in some cases it has included or been negative, it has only stirred up his supporters and increased despondency of those fearing his possible return to power.

In my view, it is pieces such as this, which offer informative information regarding the positions of both Trump and Biden and which do so in a fair and balanced way, that are most likely to strengthen Biden support and even, perhaps, win over some current Trump supporters Although I accept that many ignore realities, I do think that showing the relative achievements of each party and their implications, in simple and direct terms, is a positive way to counter the massive amount of bigoted or skewed misinformation and disinformation that circulates.

Thank you. Please keep this type of analysis going and to other readers, if you have the ability and understanding to join in, please do so. In my view, it is *not* 'fighting fire with fire' that will win the day but honesty and transparency and clear enunciation of motivation, intent, action and potential or probable effects, i.e. truth, in terms that even the relatively under or uneducated and most susceptible to false conditioning can understand.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

roger hawcroft

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*Can't sell stock for six months, I believe.

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Well Written. Thank You. 🙏

And on the Campaign Trail, will You be including The Peolple’s Party as it is currently picking up steam especially with the VP named yesterday !?!



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