I'm trusting that the Democrats are going to blast out the anti-Trump and ads closer to the election to keep them fresh in everyone's mind. Unfortunately the hardcore will never change their minds. My own "Catholic Matriarch" mother, and staunch Republican. refused to acknowledge that she knew anything about the Boston child sexual abuse scandal that was all the national news rage at the time. She stated, "I don't know anything about that" and shut down the conversation. She even voted for Trump twice (2016, 2020) before she died. I place the majority of the blame at theist religions who have for centuries psychologically numbed people to the point of robbing them of any critical thinking skills. Because if you can believe a man walked on water, fed a multitude of people with only 5 loaves and 2 fish, and literally rose from dead, all in defiance of the natural laws of physics and science ("Because God can do anything he wants!"), then you can be made to believe Trump is the savior to lead the people out of governmental slavery.

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Like I’ve said before I’ll vote democrat no matter what. That’s all I can do. Yet Biden has been silent since he stepped into the White House he’s gotten done some tremendous things that just never make it to the media. For a very good reason.If you pay attention nothing gets spoken about until it’s complete.He’s kept quiet from day one which personally came as a relief after having to listen to Trump shit every day every second.

I believe that the Democratic Party has a plan from the start it seems extremely obvious that they are taking a much different approach than they have ever done in history.

In these days no matter what Biden says it’s ripped to shreds it’s distorted beyond belief it’s untrue talking points are blasted across social media like a cancer. For a lot of Americans it’s their life. If you noticed until the debate Democrats kept fairly united and that my friends is what it takes to win a race. Look what’s happening now media ,bloggers are picking apart for the hundredth time on Biden’s age and tearing apart every sentence he says. They are not super hero’s like they hope they are super assholes. Yes he’s old so is the rest of government officials in every freaking branch it has always been that way think Alan Greenberg head of the Feds his job was just as powerful as the President of the United States not even a shout out ever on his cryptic body. It’s always been a political stunt that they pump their party up every election year and I have lived my share of elections yes it’s different with Trump because the last thing he is is a politician he is a actor. They re pumping you up traditionally so you will get your ass to the polls and vote. You can look at all the polls you want till election and go absolutely nuts it means nothing it never did. What every one needs to do is VOTE Take two seconds of your day and look up for yourself what the voting percentage is on any presidential election it’s horrific for both parties 27% of Americans vote on a average you will see higher numbers and unfortunately lower numbers for presidential. Yeah it’s very disappointing to see all this I’m a great American and I believe this is the best choice yet never half of the registered voters just never make it to the polls.

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