I can well imagine that within the continuum of Republican voters that a number will vote strategically for the Democrats in an effort to reset their party for 2028.

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" I have a reader, named Clem, who likes to lambast me for my constant criticism of Donald Trump but occasionally shows some reason " . . . hi, Martin. I don't know this "Clem" but I will say that I appreciate him too. I almost dropped you from my reading list.

But you are here giving us a very nice, reasonably worded summary of the recent activities of the news industry. So, telling your readers about that is good. I do not even follow that stuff really; I read the headlines that are forced onto my computer by Microsoft and just shake my head. So, telling us what "they" have been saying is a good service you can do, in your reasonable and balanced style of doing things. It could be valuable to know what those news people have been concocting the last few days. That works fine for me.

So I think you have potential.

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... it is a decision whether to elect the same people who created the mess we are in, i.e. a tiny clique of ultra-rich crazy persons, or, on the other side, an idiot and a hillbilly!

.... how is that at all an easy choice? personally, I am (as of this moment in time) for the doofus and goofus combination. But I don't expect to convince other persons. (Now I await the hate mail from 99% of the human race.)

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Well, I am among the many (hundreds? Way more?) who have always been blessed by your content and especially your writing style. Thank you for your perspective; keep the faith and kep in keeping on 👏😊

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Thank you, Martin! Thank you, Jacob! Never before have I received such gratifying mention in a publication of this sort. I'm pleased and much obliged.

Yes, I think Trump is a jackass who can't get out of his own way, polemically speaking. I understand why you northeastern liberal elites sipping your lattespressaccinos at Fuego take him so verbosely and violently to task. But I have a real problem buying in to the notion that Trump is a "ThReAt To OuR DeMoCrAcY (tm)". As Ben Franklin is reputed to have said at the end of the Constitutional Convention, the creature the Founders brought forth was "A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it." Not a DeMoCrAcy (tm), Gentlemen, a Republic, meticulously crafted precisely to PREVENT any one person or gang of insurrectionists to place himself/herself/themselves/itself, or any of the panoply of new pronouns you liberal whackos have cobbled together, "above the law." They can try until they're blue in the face, but the Republic, running smoothly (or sometimes not so much) with its system of checks and balances, and a citizenry whose hearts, I believe, are in the right places after all the hooptedoodle dies down, will simply not tolerate it.

(Or so I fervently hope and pray)

Sorry to bang on at such length. Before long I'll be worse than Martin; then I'll have to stand him an adult beverage at Fuego.

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