Wake up, people. We are mistakenly playing by old rules in a new and dangerous game. We must adapt or we will get what we ignorantly deserve.

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" mistakenly playing by old rules in a new and dangerous game. " Well, yes. That is it exactly. Since the botched U. S. response to COVID we know, for sure, that it is an entirely new situation we are in. So, yes. We must stop playing by the old rules. The old politics should be entirely thrown out. Only Trump is interested in doing that. I do not argue with the idea that Mr. Trump does these TERRIBLE things. including disrespecting others (e.g. that Arlington employee who tried to do her job). But playing by the "old rules" is leading us straight to annihilation. The old rules are the rules of the conventional political parties, both Republicans (who would not exist at all, without Trump) and Democrats. It's all off. The old work will not exist anymore.

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One thing about death/dying is that people handle it differently. Trump has seen many in his family leave this earth, his first wife, both parents, his mother-in-law, his brother, a sister. He doesn't seem to be fazed. Not to say that he doesn't understand grief or sadness, but he hasn't missed a beat, no taking a day off or a week to come to terms with loss, no need to embrace this very difficult time, he's not taking a moment to shed a tear. He obviously is cut from a different cloth (maybe bone spurs, or calcification of the heart)--maybe he lacks empathy, has little compassion, perhaps he avoids it as a sign of weakness...so when he walks across graves he has no connection to the burial mound, what he sees -- a giant gopher hole staff filled on his golf course.

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I have no belief in 'good' or 'evil' but I do agree that the times since Trump became openly politically active have become ones of savage and distinctly different views, manner, behaviour, responsibility, respect for others, respect for institutions and respect for the law.

The lows to which Trump personally and many of his supporters, including Republican members of Congress and the Senate, have descended are certainly as deep if not deeper than the nation has ever experienced.

Some may consider it overly dramatic to say but there is no doubt; the USA stands at a critical point in its history. There is no doubt that its governments and leaders, as well as its wealthy individuals and corporations have been responsible for much that is shameful, some of it intentional and some well meaning but mistaken. There is no doubt that the nation needs to examine itself, its institutions, its electoral system, its world view and its international relationships. However, to use an overused and banal cliche´, positive change will not come about by "throwing out the baby with the bathwater."

What is now needed is for those who have the authority and can act, to do so. What has happened is that Trump's disdain for decency and principle have largely become and continue to become *normalised*. When Trump and his lackies quite openly and brazenly break the law, it is essential that they immediately be arrested and held to account. The more they are able to get away with disdain for common decency and those institutions which ought to be the backbone of society, the more they are emboldened.

I understand that many may feel that it is risky to take Trump to task, for fear that it will simply add to his claim of being the subject of a 'witch hunt' and increase his support from the populist simpletons who choose to support him and the GOP cowards who wrongly believe it is in their own interests to do so. The fact is, however, that allowing this abuse only adds to the normalisation - and therefore the acceptance of Trump's behaviour.

All of us are conditioned by our experiences and surroundings, by our schooling, parents, peer group, the society in which we live, our laws and judicial system and the manner in which they are both policed and respected. When we choose to ignore blatant disregard for anti-social and even treasonous statements and behaviour, then we allow such to become increasingly acceptable and entrenched. It becomes a progressive slide to the bottom.

It is past time that Trump and his populist supporters are called out and stopped. In the nation's history, there has never been a greater threat and such behaviour and treasonous utterances would not have been tolerated.

Every decent, law-abiding, rational, partriotic and freedom loving citizen ought to be calling out Trump, loudly and unequivocally.

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Nice comment. I copied this part: " it is essential that they immediately be arrested and held to account. " This is idealistic. As you know, sir, nobody is doing anything like that. They were utterly incapable of trying Trump in a legitimate way. Sure, Trump is guilty of plenty and could be arrested. Apparently our institutions are totally unable to do so because our regular leaders have utterly lost their mental decency as human beings. There is no country. It's over. May as well elect the idiot and the hillbilly. Who cares really

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I can accept the criticism that I am an idealist. Yes, although almost 80, I retain much of the idealism that I had as a young man. I don't apologise for that for to me goals are something to guide one's aim but often missed despite brilliant effort that nonetheless comes within a whisper of the target. (Excuse me but anyone who has watched elite soccer can attest to this.)

I think it is erroneous to say that "nobody is doing anything like that." The reality is that some are but doing so in extremely difficult and loaded circumstances, not least because of the manner in which judges can be appointed by the President and Trump having taken advantage of that to stack them in his favour.

I don't believe that our regular leaders have "utterly lost their mental decency as human beings" though I would agree that many have succumbed to various forms of influence, much of it lacking conscience or compassion and much of it followed for self-interest rather than the benefit of the nation or even those they purportedly represent. Perhaps the major indication of this is the continued provision of funding and armaments to a despotic Netanyahu and largely conscienceless and lying IDF.

It certainly saddens me that current President Biden and Vice-President Harris are resolutely maintaining support for Israel and the transparently nonsensical "right to self defense" as justification, (read 'excuse'), for what is continuing breaches of international law, human rights, the International Criminal Court and common decency. It is the worst example of misguided use of 'US power' since Vietnam, perhaps ever.

However, human beings are all subject to all manner of conditioning and follow with little thought or analysis what they take for 'normal' in their society. This is as true for 'leaders' as it is for the general population and perhaps even exaggerated by the pressure on them to satisfy a wide range of competing lobby groups and influencers.

I don't believe that "There is no country. It's over." May as well elect the idiot and the hillbilly. Who cares really." That to me is a very defeatist and pessimistic statement, although I can well understand why many may consider it to be either true or very close to the truth. However, an open minded and open-eyed view of the society I suggest illuminates a different picture. The protests of students and others against the supply of weapons and non-condemnation of Israel for its genocidal activities. The thousands of citizens who have turned out in opposition to Trump and his lies and disgraceful abuse of women, disdain for justice and important institutions, deceitful use of religion for photo opportunities and his continual abuse of military personnel, not least his recent disgusting transgression of both law and protocol at Arlington.

Then, of course, there is the obvious joy and hope generated by the nomination of Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. In contrast with just a few weeks ago, this has galvanised much support but as importantly, if not more so, has engendered hope in so many who do believe in a great nation that, despite past and even current mistakes and even sometimes outrageous perfidy, in the main has always and still does, at its core, value social justice, human rights, freedom of expression and justice for all. - No, the US is far from perfect or anywhere near as perfect as it could and ought to be but for all its failings, it remains one of the safest and free nations of the World and in which many from elsewhere seek to settle.

Finally, you ask: "Who cares really (?)" I'm sorry but I find that a somewhat vacuous statement. As I've suggested, look around you and you will see that many care and care very deeply - not least the young and not only citizens of the USA who will vote in the forthcoming election but, I suggest, probably millions around the World as well.

The 'fight', if that is not too strong or an inappropriate word, against the autocratic, even dictatorial, aggressive, boastful, abusive and vengeful style and actions of Trump and his populist deluded followers is an essential one that, in my view, we should not decry or diminish. No, Harris may not be perfect and there are policy stances she holds with which I disagree. However, the election of Kamala Harris is now the best chance that the nation has for respectful, honest, rational and consultative government that will allow for and even promote change for the better.

I have no religion but I would ask you to have faith in what I say.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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I am not saying you are an idealist in IDEAS. I am saying you do not see the practicality. In not seeing the practical situation, anything you say or do is an "idealist" response, not based on the correct evaluation of the situation. That is all. I did not read your whole "letter" yet.

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I am saddened by the veined demeaning of my considered response to you with its labeling as a "letter." However, I find it not uncommon that those who make allegations based on assumptions rather than evidence and who often simply criticise or snipe, rather than offering anything of substance themselves, seem unable to cope with reading more than a few lines of text.

It is also both rude and foolish to comment on something which you have not read. It reminds me of those who call for the censoring of books that, in many cases, (if not most), they have never read.

What you assert that you are saying is not what you said. However, what you are now saying is incorrect. I see what you refer to as the 'practical situation' quite clearly. Indeed, I have written or commented about it many times.

Nonetheless, thank you for at least reading some of what I've written and taking the time and making the effort to respond.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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Nah. It's a witch hunt.

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No, I am not as you said before editing it out: "really stupid". On the contrary. It is not I who makes specious claims, purports conspiracies or throws abuse.

However I have no wish to converse with those who use abuse to cover their own deficiencies. So, please go away. There are many others out there who do as do you and with whom you may be able to enjoy inflating one another's egos.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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If the DOJ cannot charge him with this illegal and disgusting behaviour, who can? I appreciate your article and those of others. It seems to be the only way to expose his dirty deeds and hope that enough Americans will read the writing of a few sensible journalists and come to their senses and turn their backs on this creature. I wonder if this is even possible. The guy is a fearless, spineless, thoughtless bully and will bludgeon his way to the White House.

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