I hear you. I'm exhausted by this election cycle and astounded that so many people have still not caught on to the orange felon's grift, egomania, and racism, or, even worse, are fully aware and plan to vote for him because of it. I find myself chronically online scanning headlines and social media searching for the nuggets of truth and sanity. Every few days I vow I'm going to quit the news cold turkey but then get sucked in. We are all going to need a hell of a lot of therapy or deprogramming when this is over.

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Yesterday I took a break from work and was flipping through TV channels and found a documentary on BET about Barack Obama's presidency, a retrospective produced when he left the White House. From the reactions of how hopeful we the people felt when he was elected (that we had turned a corner towards a more just world for all) to the accomplishments of his presidency, to the role of Michelle Obama as an amazing first lady, to the vision of a loving couple and family in the White House--I remembered well how hopeful it felt.

I realized it was only 8 years since he left office--and what a shitstorm the national discourse has become because of PoS 45.

I'm with you, Martin. I'm tired. I'm tired of the constant divisiveness and hate fomented by someone who says he wants to "lead" our country.

Harris and Walz need a resounding landslide victory so that this PoS can slither off into oblivion and, hopefully, a jail cell where he belongs.

It is way past time to turn the page on this ugly, ugly chapter caused by one narcissistic pig.

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