I recently saw the movie "Don't Look Up". Although the subject was not climate change (it was about a fictional asteroid projected to hit earth) it accurately depicted people's ignorance, gullibility, greed, and/or indifference regarding the impending disaster. Spoiler Alert: it did not end well.

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Yes, I saw it. Pure black comedy. Willful ignorance is incredibly dangerous.

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It's scary and I'm too much of a Pollyanna to scream about it. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

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TV news interviewing "man on the street" - in this case a woman - in Georgia. The lady said she would vote for Trump because he will make sure we have more oil.

That was depressing enough, but even more so is the fact that the neither the news person on the street nor the studio anchor, made any comment about the insanity of voting for more oil drilling.

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Consumption/over-consumption is the, ("grass roots"), problem. Driven by the greedy - who just want to sell more stuff and make more money. All of that money that's spent on advertising, isn't being wasted. Our generation, (same ballpark as you, Martin), have been subjected to that advertising our entire lives. We just see it as normal. And we see it as normal to "follow their instructions" and:

- go out and buy stuff that we don't need;

- use more of the planet's finite resources than we should;

- worry more about how we smell, (or how our house looks), than the destruction of the planet.

Fundamentally though, the problem is how we measure the success - of individuals, businesses, the economy, et al: Growth. We have been brainwashed into thinking growth is not only good - but essential. Our measure of success has been skewed by those that can profit from it. And, so far, I haven't heard a single politician saying "growth is the problem - not the solution".

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This is spot on. It is generally acknowledged that the last real opportunity to avert the disasters we now face on a regular basis was back in the early 1970’s. The oil companies’ own scientists confirmed long ago that continuing to drill, frack, extract, and use hydrocarbons that had been buried in the mantle of the Earth since Time Immemorial was going to have a dire effect on the future live-ability of the planet and all life on it. What happened? The reports were buried. The addiction to the “riches” enjoyed by the big-wigs of the industry and those at the top of the ‘food chain’ were too attractive to voluntarily surrender, even if it meant sacrificing the future of the entire planet. On some level, I’m sure a lot of those folks said, “Hey! It’s not going to happen in MY lifetime. Let the future generations figure out a fix. Right now, let’s Partay!!!!!!” So, the Truth about basing economies on the exploitation of non-renewable resources was buried and a huge propaganda effort was promoted that made the production and ready availability of oil and its by-products synonymous with “The Good Life.”

I should add that I would buy you a coffee but after the trouble I had last night where my attempt at showing approbation [a $15 donation] was undone by a cranky intersection with the Coffee Vending apparatus that saw my card charged not once, but twice for the same transaction, I am loathe to venture down that path again. (If you could see to it that the glitch is rectified and made right, I would be extremely gratified. My own efforts last night came to naught.)

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I’ll see if I can fix it. It hasn’t happened before.

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I was able to refund one of them.

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Thanks, Martin. That transaction finally showed up on my bank statement this AM. I appreciate it. :-)

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I agree with Steve's comment below: we've been brainwashed. As I've woken up, I try to do better. But if you're on the Titanic and you are one of the few people bailing, it feels......futile? silly? maddening? I am very concerned. But what am I going to do besides the silly little things I do (recycling, shutting off lights, turning down the heat, donating to causes, etc.)?

We all know tRump doesn't believe in climate change. Harris isn't going to "stir that pot" this close to the election. She needs all the votes she can get, and some of them from people who may be holding their noses and voting for her. She's trying to walk a fine like to win, and I think it's a perfectly sound stratregy.

Job 1: She has to win. Then we can put her feet to the fire to start (trying) to deal with it. (If she doesn't have a supportive Congress, I'm unsure what she can do.)

If the orange stain wins, nothing will be done about climate change or anything else meaningfull.

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Love the bailing the Titanic analogy. It's bang on. You could probably add that: the rest of the passengers are all partying - and calling you names for being a "party pooper".

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