Do the Three Monkeys when it's Vance's turn

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Thanks, Martin. Like you, I wasn’t sure I would last the duration of the debate. After fifteen minutes my wife was done. I lasted another fifteen before I too bailed. It’s as you said. One can only stomach lies, misrepresentation, fabulism, and the patina of competence for so long without wanting to pick up some handy solid object and wing it at the TV screen. These televised debates are an unfortunate part of our political process since the first one back in 1960. I just finished writing an extensive Review of the experience on another writer’s Substack blog (Lucian K. Truscott IV), so I will not go into it here. Suffice to say, Low Information Voters who make up the hard-core base of tRump/Vance supporters are going to support their guy(s) no matter what because they don’t have the mental bandwidth to parse the bullshit in order to winnow the wheat from the chaff. I’m just hoping that those Republicans who are thoughtful, reflective, and even mildly uncomfortable with what a second tRump administration portends will disassociate themselves from the MAGA cult and go with Harris/Walz as well as Vote Dem in down-ticket races that decide the fate of Congress and the Senate.

I will end with recommending the documentary “UNTRUTH: The Psychology of Trumpism”. It was made by the same folks who made the terrific 2020 doc. “UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump”

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I could barely stand to watch it. I despise JD ( Jackoff Dipsydoodle) Vance.

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