But speaking personally, I'm burnt out on all of the Orange PoS's shenanigans and the MAGA Maggots blind support of it. I have seen so many things that I NEVER thought I would see in my life, and I no longer know what to do.
Since 2004--against George W Bush and DICK Cheney, who compared to PoS seems like George Washington or FDR--I have been living and breathing grassroots politics.
In Jan 2017, I went to the March on Washington after PoS was elected.
I am active in my local Democratic Party organizing my precinct, doing voter protection on election day, getting out the vote, donating to causes and campaigns, etc.
We got Biden elected in 2020, he's done a really good job, especially given the crap he inherited (Covid crisis, economy in turmoil, etc.) from PoS, and many people--both blind MAGA Maggots and apathetic fools who "aren't interested in politics--refuse to see Biden's accomplishments.
The whole freakin world is sliding off an authoritarian cliff.
No one single person is going to turn this tide.
I believe things (like Democracy and civiliation) as we know them may crash and burn and something new built. If that happens, we will enter another very long Dark Age.
Will have another Renaissance?
I don't know. I certainly hope so. But I know it won't be in my lifetime.
So I plan to do as I have this last many years--fight for truth, justice, and a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But I understand (and accept, I guess) that this all could go very bad, very soon.
I'll have done as much as possible for me, but that won't be consolation if PoS gets re-elected. That will be "game over" for the United States as we've known it.
So well expressed, my friend. There are so many of us on the edge of burn-out, but we must stay the course, bear the burden, bite the bullet -- any cliche that works. I commend your efforts, and wish you strength.
It is important to note that hundreds of thousands of people sustain Trump with donations of a hundred dollars or less, his MAGA “movement” is underwritten by millionaires and billionaires. They reap the profits in return by paying no taxes or far less than fair. They enjoy few regulations or oversight on their businesses. They really don’t care about democracy, or Trump, or his pale imitators. Those of us on the other side just have to keep up the pressure and mobilization against the MAGAs, until November, and beyond. He’s a FELON!
You're so right, Martin. We have to do all we can to assure we won't Make America Gag Again.
Martin, of course, we care. You know that.
But speaking personally, I'm burnt out on all of the Orange PoS's shenanigans and the MAGA Maggots blind support of it. I have seen so many things that I NEVER thought I would see in my life, and I no longer know what to do.
Since 2004--against George W Bush and DICK Cheney, who compared to PoS seems like George Washington or FDR--I have been living and breathing grassroots politics.
In Jan 2017, I went to the March on Washington after PoS was elected.
I am active in my local Democratic Party organizing my precinct, doing voter protection on election day, getting out the vote, donating to causes and campaigns, etc.
We got Biden elected in 2020, he's done a really good job, especially given the crap he inherited (Covid crisis, economy in turmoil, etc.) from PoS, and many people--both blind MAGA Maggots and apathetic fools who "aren't interested in politics--refuse to see Biden's accomplishments.
The whole freakin world is sliding off an authoritarian cliff.
No one single person is going to turn this tide.
I believe things (like Democracy and civiliation) as we know them may crash and burn and something new built. If that happens, we will enter another very long Dark Age.
Will have another Renaissance?
I don't know. I certainly hope so. But I know it won't be in my lifetime.
So I plan to do as I have this last many years--fight for truth, justice, and a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But I understand (and accept, I guess) that this all could go very bad, very soon.
I'll have done as much as possible for me, but that won't be consolation if PoS gets re-elected. That will be "game over" for the United States as we've known it.
I am so sad writing these words.
So well expressed, my friend. There are so many of us on the edge of burn-out, but we must stay the course, bear the burden, bite the bullet -- any cliche that works. I commend your efforts, and wish you strength.
Thanks, Paul. I appreciate your words of support. I will not give up.
Martin's writing and this community are a source of strength.
It is important to note that hundreds of thousands of people sustain Trump with donations of a hundred dollars or less, his MAGA “movement” is underwritten by millionaires and billionaires. They reap the profits in return by paying no taxes or far less than fair. They enjoy few regulations or oversight on their businesses. They really don’t care about democracy, or Trump, or his pale imitators. Those of us on the other side just have to keep up the pressure and mobilization against the MAGAs, until November, and beyond. He’s a FELON!