So I say to all of you that are having a problem about Biden’s performance at the debate. One debate one bad day those that miraculously view Biden’s health is on decline with a it’s like everyone became a geriatric specialist overnight will agree that yes he did not look well but what are you going to do vote for Trump it’s your only other choice

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My loyalty is to anyone who seeks to preserve our democracy, be it Biden or Harris or any other candidate who steps up to the task.

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I totally disagree. It is time to stop the GQP from pushing the false equivalency button. President Biden is the best man to lead us through the confrontation with Russia. NATO trusts him because they have seen him in action. Flying from country to country, negotiating with leaders globally.

He may be more frail than four years ago, but he is healthy. He had a cold during the debate. He was also thrown off by the constant stream of lies pouring from IQ45. Not a single fact check from CNN. Not even in a banner across the screen.

He has led us through the pandemic and he has improved our economy by leaps and bounds. He is the accepted leader of NATO. He is respected by those leaders for a reason based on his recent actions and commitments.

He can do this. No one else currently in the que, and there are many qualified people, can steer us through the next few months dealing with the new threat of Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran.

IQ45 would bring about a full scale war, domestically and globally.


Don't fall for the GQP talking point.

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Thank you and thank you again for writing a perfect reply we stand strong with Joe Biden

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This is no simple decision. But in truth, it's not a decision we can make. If Biden will not release his delegates, and if the rules of the convention are not somehow amended for the occasion, we will have to march forward with what we have.

We should be asking how we present a vote for Biden, not as solely a vote for the man, but for the future of Democracy. Should Biden prevail, and die on February 1, 2025, we will still have vanquished Trump, and will have a Democrat in the Whitehouse. This is probably the most important outcome we must feature in our support of Biden. So he's old -- even frail -- but represents the right direction for America. His "progeny" in office would carry that torch forward. As one woman intoned, she would vote for the corpse of Biden before voting for Trump.

No crystal ball will tell us which path is most advantageous. I would love to have a candidate of youth, bearing, intelligence, and spine to crush Trump. But without such a luxury, do we still have the power of argument on our side, the record of our brand, the moral rightness of our vision, and the ability to present a picture to America of a brighter future under our polices, with hate and division in our past?

In my campaign efforts -- the literature I print out, the messages that I project, I will be leading with a simple recommendation for the health and success of all Americans: VOTE BLUE!!

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I agree! I’m in favor of Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or my dog Clytemnestra over Trump… I wouldn’t vote for Trump for Dog Catcher!!!

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Whoo, whoo says the owl?

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I agree in part. I know fromy own experience (75) that each year gets harder

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I totally agree. Biden’s frail, fragile, and senile condition irrevocably exposed the lies his handlers have been telling us for months. I believed those lies, and now, after seeing Biden at the debate, I feel betrayed and duped, and I’m pissed off about it. Trump is atom bomb of malicious lies and corruption. But Biden is a barely audible and slightly animated corpse. He cannot fight and he cannot win. Can’t he now at least muster the courage and integrity needed to step aside for someone capable of winning?

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I do not for a minute believe Biden is senile. He has no symptoms and is handling things like international crisises and the economy. Those are not things senile people can begin to handle.

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You're probably right. Biden is a functioning adult. He proved at the debate, however, that he can't win and that an alternative candidate is needed. His Refusal to accept that truth is very disappointing. And selfish.

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