The decision we have to make, fundamentally, is what candidate will lead us to victory. Where do we put our money to have the greatest chance of prevailing, not only with the presidency, but down ballot as well.

My gut leans strongly to a change. If we do, our next decision is who shall carry the party flag. If the Democratic party does it right, we don't need a dog fight. Set up the structure to select 10 viable candidates by delegate votes. Then, without voting for themselves, have a secret ballot amongst the 10, of who is thought to be the best choice to, 1.) be an effective president, and 2.) go successfully toe-to-toe with the worst, but arguably the most talented liar and bloviator in our political history. Trump needs to meet his match -- and I think we can find that talent.

Robert Reich brings up obstacle in the transfer of funds already donated, and the massive changes required in campaign literature, etc. But these can be addressed and overcome.

The excitement generated with such a change would be electric and, by itself, give the Party the motivation and enthusiasm to inspire America and lead to victory. We just can't pass. We need one more card for a winning hand (and we can pick the card).

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Pete Buttigig ?(mispelled his last name)

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I think it is too soon for him though he could certainly handle Trump.

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I think when Biden said he'd run for 1 term only, he thought that after defeat in 2020, the Orange PoS would go away forever and American politics would get "back to normal" (normal = what it was before Orange PoS). We all know now that neither of those things is going to happen.

I've commented here and other places: the only one who has the power of the incumbency is the incumbent. I believe that is the reason Biden decided to run for re-election.

I have also agreed with pundits I've read who have said (I'm paraphrasing): Biden still has what it takes to be president (that is I trust his intellect, reasoning, etc. are still intact). HOWEVER, he does NOT have what it takes to be a winning candidate? To project power, confidence, vitality, etc. Being president and being a great candidate are 2 very different jobs.

Joe showed last night that he doesn't have what it takes to be a great candidate. It's my opinion that he was worn out after all the prep.

But the big question is: Now what? Or more precisely, who?

They have not prepared Harris to take over.

After last night, I agree: We Dems need someone young (but not too young) strong, inspiring, etc. But who?

I've heard in the recent past someone float Gavin Newsom Gov of CA. My husband's reaction to that: Absolutely NOT. The Repubs will say: CA is overtaxed and over-regulated: Do you want the country to be like CA?

I trust my husband's reaction to be more of the "average American" (the people my political junky friends and I call "normies", because they aren't as caught up in politics as us--in a better perspective way).

So the big question is who? I'd love to hear any ideas anyone may have.

We've got to decide right quick!

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Gretchen Witmer, governor of Michigan could be a good choice. She has stood up to the Trumpies there that tried over and over to steal the election. We are overdue for a woman but I don’t think Harris is a strong campaigner- we need a badass.

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Yep, my husband mentioned her too. And actually, thanks to the tRumpers, she probably has national name recognition. Wasn't she the one that people (tRumpers) were arrested for a credible plot to kidnap her to overturn Michigan's vote in 2020?

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My thoughts EXACTLY. We need someone else NOW. Biden didn't just lose the debate. He failed. Completely and Irrevocably. He dove into the Trump cesspool, actually arguing about his fucking golf “handicap”. What ?!! He now has to step aside. Get out of the way. If he cares at all about this country. He must release us from this burden he has now become. His effort to stay on the ballot is now as much of a threat to our democracy as is Trump’s vile treachery. Biden, if he stays, will kill us, and our blood will be on his hands.

And I am someone who thinks Biden has been a fantastically effective president.

But after last night, if he tries to hang onto the presidency, Biden will demolish all that he has achieved. His effort to remain in office will be essentially indistinguishable from Donald Trump’s conduct on January 6.

Joe must Go. Away. Now!

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