I do not disagree that those persons are gone. They are also 'Woke' as hell and probably sick in the dang haid! There are a LOT of small-minded biased people but if these were persons who were considering voting for Trump I would be the surprised one. I think it is inevitable that Trump should, in the ordinary course of things, lose those people. I saw what a show trial we had, so did everyoone else. I see what it was. I think the U. S. is a totalitarian dictatorship and they are probing a way to get Trump. He needs to win in order to protect all of us from a very vibrant Democratic fascist strain now getting into power. These diabolical schemers have been runnng Germany. So I do not think you can let this crowd run the government, and the current crop of Democratic party activists are not letting go. These Democrats are the extremists and you are right that Trump can, and properly should, shed them.

And he will pick up as many from other segments of America as he loses from your target group, called the "independents."

It's a tough choice, who to vote for. The fact that he might get elected without spending his money on his campaign speaks volumes. The tracks have been laid; now the train rolls.

Yes, you are right, Martin, that Trump would optimally want the be strong: up and down the ticket. Maybe he does not care, so once he is elected he will deal with it. He won't be able to dictate shit. We will all be surprised how weak he is. He probabl will even care ---ha ha! Anyway, he will not have the cadre, or backing. He will lack the depth of support.

Trump is going to get elected, maybe a person like Martin Edic should get used to it.

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Oh, boy…you are really way off the beam here. Trump has been a crook all of his adult life and was quite open about using the courts to bully, intimidate, and stiff others. The “Great Businessman” was, in fact, someone who failed at every enterprise he undertook, be it Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump University (Ha!), and all those cheesy buildings that he slapped up using immigrant labor and then failed to pay them…..just ‘because’ he could. Most of those eyesores with their faux gold facades and fake number of floors were $$$ losers that openly courted tenants from foreign interests, including Saudi sheiks and Russian oligarchs with dubious bona fides and shady dealings that are what Trump always seems to attract. His book (‘The Art of the Deal’) was actually ghost written for him and the author, Tony Schwartz, is on the record saying that if he knew his book was going to be instrumental in gaining Trump the White House he would never have done it. Hell, Trump even failed at making $$$ with his Atlantic City casinos!!!! How in the hell does one do that? The only “success” he enjoyed was that stupid “Reality Show” on TV (“The Apprentice”). But, that was scripted and had little to do with him actually accomplishing anything.

So many of Trump’s associates and political appointees wound up being convicted of criminal acts and wound up in jail. This has nothing to do with the current administration. A lot of this was happening when Trump was president. He openly celebrated dictatorships….professed disdain for historical allies and praised Putin’s word over his own Intelligence agencies about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. And then, when he lost the 2020 election by the same margin that he won in 2016 he claimed the result was “STOLLEN” [SIC] from him by those “evil Dems” and whipped up a mob of his brain-dead cult to try and overthrow the government and stop the peaceful transfer of power. In short, this narcissistic psychopath is beyond the pale and now is a convicted felon to boot with more trials ahead of him, including theft of government secrets and steadfast refusal to return them. But go ahead and make the case that Biden is the crook and tyrant. Talk about ‘Projection’ — as for Germany, I fear for that country as it lurches once more to the Right in the post-Angela Merkel phase where skinheads and similar shitheels are once again openly spouting Nazi b.s. and blaming their misery on the presence of non-white immigrants who don’t share their benighted religious ideology. Kinda like the ‘Proud Boys’ and similar goons we have running around here waving Trump flags and geared up for war with whomsoever would disagree with their vitriolic hate-speech. Look for this country to go through a rough patch before the year is out, no matter which way the Vote goes, because Trumpsters will only accept election results they win. Just like their idol, “the World’s Biggest Loser!!!”

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You continue to maintain my sanity in this Chaos. Thank you

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You may be right, Martin. However, I believe the twice-impeached felon crying “THOSE EVIL DEMON-RATS & THAT CRIMINAL BIDEDN HAVE STOLLEN [sic] THE ELECTION…AGAIN!” would indeed pose a mortal danger to the country. It could precipitate the kind of stochastic violence among enough of his fanatical fan-base to cause the country to tip over into the kind of societal breakdown that we have seen elsewhere in the world all too often when enough folks are primed by a “strong man” to seek vengeance on others for supposedly being the cause of their misery and resentment.

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