Martin, you are wrong. You need to stop for a minute and take a deep breath. President Biden is fine. He is not incompetent. This week he is hosting G7 leaders to discuss climate change and other global issues. It won't be a circus, it will be a meeting of professionals who know what the problems are and have intelligent suggestions as to how to solve some of them.
This is not his first meeting with global leaders of the civilized world this year. He has met with them numerous times. ALL of them have advised that they find him completely competent.
he had a bad debate.
It is NOT the end of the world or his campaign. In fact new polls are showing that the uncommitted independent voters were so turned off and disgusted by trumps refusal to answer questions and the constant lies he told that nearly 2% of them have committed to Biden.
He is not old nor is he incompetent and nobody is hiding anything. He had a full physical in April that he had his doctors release in its entirety for all to see. Not a report about how he will live to be 200, healthiest ever bullshit from Ronny 'Johnson' Jackson, but the Walter Reed evaluation he underwent in April. There is no sign of mental decline. In APRIL of 2024. From Walter Reed--full report available to all.
Stop your spiral into depression. Because the voters have already decided we want the man who has proven he can beat trump. Our man is Joe Biden. I wasn't a fan until he took office. I voted for him over the orange hyena. He has done so much. Not his staff--him. He has exceeded all expectations and brought sanity back to the office.
I personally know at least ten men in their 90's that may be frail and slower moving than they were, but they still have all their marbles. Competent as hell. And so is President Biden.
Stop your complaining and watch him the next month. In the meantime, stop being a Democrat downer. You aren't helping anyone or anything with your negativity.
I don't even bother reading you anymore. It is a waste of time. Work on your attitude. NOW.
martin, you are wrong. You need to stop for a minute and take a deep breath. President Biden is fine. He is not incompetent. This week he is hosting G7 leaders to discuss climate change and other global issues. It won't be a circus, it will be a meeting of professionals who know what the problems are and have intelligent suggestions as to how to solve some of them.
This is not his first meeting with global leaders of the civilized world this year. He has met with them numerous times. ALL of them have advised that they find him completely competent.
he had a bad debate.
It is NOT the end of the world or his campaign. In fact new polls are showing that the uncommitted independent voters were so turned off and disgusted by trumps refusal to answer questions and the constant lies he told that nearly 2% of them have committed to Biden.
He is not old nor is he incompetent and nobody is hiding anything. He had a full physical in April that he had his doctors release in its entirety for all to see. Not a report about how he will live to be 200, healthiest ever bullshit from Ronny 'Johnson' Jackson, but the Walter Reed evaluation he underwent in April. There is no sign of mental decline. In APRIL of 2024. From Walter Reed--full report available to all.
Stop your spiral into depression. Because the voters have already decided we want the man who has proven he can beat trump. Our man is Joe Biden. I wasn't a fan until he took office. I voted for him over the orange hyena. He has done so much. Not his staff--him. He has exceeded all expectations and brought sanity back to the office.
I personally know at least ten men in their 90's that may be frail and slower moving than they were, but they still have all their marbles. Competent as hell. And so is President Biden.
Stop your complaining and watch him the next month. In the meantime, stop being a Democrat downer. You aren't helping anyone or anything with your negativity.
I don't even bother reading you anymore. It is a waste of time. Work on your attitude. NOW.
Democrats... this is your "Churchill moment". You are now at war with a fascist movement, every bit as terrifying as the Nazis. If Chamberlain had not stepped down as PM in 1940, the outcome of WW2 would have been very different. Democrats need to see this for what it is. It is not a time for civil debates. It is time to fight for democracy, by whatever means possible. And you need a leader who is able and prepared to do that. Find your Churchill, Democrats - or democracy will be lost.
Agree with me that the campaign suffered a self inflicted wound with the debate that didn’t have to be scheduled this early and in return I’ll assume he survives to be confirmed at the convention. The age perception issue is now baked in. What’s the offset? So far, nothing.
The Biden campaign has failed to add to its existing strategy to address age. Trump will still be a primary focus, and Biden's exceptional achievements emphasized. Whether there's much more mileage left in pointing out how totally bad Trump is uncertain. The perception of the great economy as being otherwise is proving sticky because the only part of the electorate that has sustained experience with adjusting price expectations following inflation are the Boomers and remaining Silents. Someone used to buying a six pack of their favorite craft beer for $9.99 cannot understand why it went up to $12.99 and hasn't come back down. Switching to a cheaper industrial brew doesn't occur as an adaptation.
No one of any age can run a gaffe free campaign over the course of the next four months. Every one of Biden's senior moments will be taken as confirmation. Fair or not matters not a bit. What's needed is offsets.
Dobbs-proofing at the state level should be supercharged by a specific legislative proposal to codify Roe. Expanding the Supreme Court to 13 seats should be a promise. Opt-in Medicare at 60 should be offered. College costs for national service should be proposed. We have to give the voters something positive to show up. And while it has been sound policy to invest in restoring the industrial base and infrastructure of so many Red states, that wins no electoral college votes. Desalination for Arizona and Nevada would be a good start to reaping political rewards from public investment. Abroad and national defense requires rearmament to replace depleted stocks, expand capacity and transform our land war focus from a far off battlefield of the future while remaining equipped for the wars of yesterday. We should be paying Ukraine richly for technology transfer to us and begin to industrialize their equipment and method.
The campaign is doing nothing comparable. It doesn't matter if it can't or it won't. If the Biden campaign doesn't up its game it is going to lose us, not just him, the election.
" ...If Joe steps away, that strategy falls to pieces. And what are they left with? A man who is obviously mentally ill in a seriously dangerous way. A man who cannot string together a sentence that is coherent or makes any sense. A man who has simply decided to lie over and over again, without apology."
This quotation and what preceded it in your article is. just so spot on, in my opinion.
Biden has done a good job during his term, particularly when considering with what he was left. To witness his outward physical deterioration and apparently increasing frailty is difficult to accept but not unusual for individuals around his age. Neither is it of any particular signficance in comparison with ageing symptoms displayed by Trump. In neither case should age be the significant factor in any decision as to their electoral worth or capacity for sound decision-making in the office of POTUS.
What *is* different is the nature of what they have to say and the evidence of how each has behaved in office and what they achieved.
When we consider those factors it is clear that the election of Trump is what ought to be feared, both for his demented and insane rantings, his arrogant self-aggrandisement and threats of retribution to any who don't suit his distorted views on what constitutes a "Great America" and his past record of abuse of workers, women and anyone who stands in his way.
It is those factors on which the mainstream media ought to be focusing. It is those factors that ought to be highlighted by the Democrats and, in neither case simply as attacks or abuse of his character, (for it is what it is and anyone with open eyes and an intelligent appraisal can see that), but as clearly explained, disastrous and harmful results of his being elected. American voters need to be shown just what to expect and why it would be both harmful and wrong.
It is for that reason that I think it would be preferable for Joe Biden to stand down, now, and allow his VP to take up the fight to Trump and his sycophantic, self-serving GOP supporters.
With Biden off the stage, as you so rightly suggest, Trump and the GOP will be robbed of an easy target and the focus can go where it should - on the rights and wrongs of what government ought to be and equitable and equal rights and choices for all Americans.
Biden has revealed himself to be an arrogant, incompetent politician whose desperate grasp onto the reins of power will drag our nation and our democracy into a raging fire pit of destruction. He is mentally and morally indistinguishable from Donald Trump.
Not at all. Your view as represented here is simplistic and your notion of there being no distinction between the mental and moral fitness of Biden and Trump completely contrary to all evidence.
I couldn't disagree more. Joe has done a tremendous job and has been the most transformational president since FDR. The media (and writers like you) are creating a potential self-fulfilling prophecy by focusing on Biden's age and his stumbles.
Have you seen his travel schedule and how much he's done since the debate?
He's not stepping down. So you should probably accept it and back him as much as you can.
I've got the same concern re:: Biden's tilt towards arrogance. And the Democratic Party's complicity. Are they closer to the Trump Republicans than we can admit?
He is not arrogant. He is pissed that people have seen all he has done and still want to groan and moan about his poor debate performance rather than what they see him doing every single day. He is not out playing golf and watching television all day.
Yet, every time there is an opportunity a percentage of folks are complaining about his age. His full health evaluation is available on line from a medical team that just provided his 2024 annual exam in April. It includes his neurological condition--no sign of impairment. No sign of disease. Transparency. This is not a statement from a corrupt doctor, it is his presidential annual checkup. Available. Online. To anyone who wants to see it. No redactions.
No. This developing notion within the thread is simplistic and false. It does not bear scrutiny and runs against the evidence both past and current. It does no-one any favours other than those who are deluded enough to consider that Trump ought ever to be allowed any public office again, let alone that of POTUS.
Several of our friends and families are relocating to different countries for one and one reason TRUMP. We know of eight different families that have successfully moved and we do not know a lot of people Most of them went into action in 2020 they are all retired and most of them have savings and or pension plans along with social security payments not one is a millionaire. There plan is that the retired go first and establish eventually bringing the younger generations.The first thing they accomplished was when Biden came into office was for him to look at Americans getting a dual citizenship Biden passed a four month stay in country of choice of course not all countries are involved such as New Zealand,Australia and many more do not want 65 and over immigration. Yet there are a lot of countries with open arms. Belize, Costa Rica, Canada Ireland, to name a few. With dual citizenship you still get your social security benefits. It’s just an option that we should all consider
If he is corruptly elected, we have started our plan to move out of the country. Our children and grandchildren are also considering the relocation. We are heading for the Caribbean.
No, sorry, I will NOT abandon the ship. Someone needs to stay here and resist, in big and small ways. I am in my mid 60s, so not quite old but definitely not young. We are not rich, but we could afford to move.
I don't know what I will do or exactly what my resistance will look like, but I will stay and resist.
It was based on a true story of an Austria man who refused to swear an oath to Hitler during WWII. The script was taken in part from the letters he and his wife wrote each other while he was imprisoned. Throughout the movie, everyone kept telling this consientious objector to simply take the oath: what difference was his holding out going to make in the overall outcome of the war.
The title comes from George Eliot's Middlemarch (follow the link above to see the quote) and gets at the notion that people living well, doing the right, just thing--even if noone is looking or if it will not change the overall greater outcome--contributes to a better world.
Maybe that's all I'll be able to do--something more symbolic than transformative. But I'll do what I can.
Martin, you are wrong. You need to stop for a minute and take a deep breath. President Biden is fine. He is not incompetent. This week he is hosting G7 leaders to discuss climate change and other global issues. It won't be a circus, it will be a meeting of professionals who know what the problems are and have intelligent suggestions as to how to solve some of them.
This is not his first meeting with global leaders of the civilized world this year. He has met with them numerous times. ALL of them have advised that they find him completely competent.
he had a bad debate.
It is NOT the end of the world or his campaign. In fact new polls are showing that the uncommitted independent voters were so turned off and disgusted by trumps refusal to answer questions and the constant lies he told that nearly 2% of them have committed to Biden.
He is not old nor is he incompetent and nobody is hiding anything. He had a full physical in April that he had his doctors release in its entirety for all to see. Not a report about how he will live to be 200, healthiest ever bullshit from Ronny 'Johnson' Jackson, but the Walter Reed evaluation he underwent in April. There is no sign of mental decline. In APRIL of 2024. From Walter Reed--full report available to all.
Stop your spiral into depression. Because the voters have already decided we want the man who has proven he can beat trump. Our man is Joe Biden. I wasn't a fan until he took office. I voted for him over the orange hyena. He has done so much. Not his staff--him. He has exceeded all expectations and brought sanity back to the office.
I personally know at least ten men in their 90's that may be frail and slower moving than they were, but they still have all their marbles. Competent as hell. And so is President Biden.
Stop your complaining and watch him the next month. In the meantime, stop being a Democrat downer. You aren't helping anyone or anything with your negativity.
I don't even bother reading you anymore. It is a waste of time. Work on your attitude. NOW.
martin, you are wrong. You need to stop for a minute and take a deep breath. President Biden is fine. He is not incompetent. This week he is hosting G7 leaders to discuss climate change and other global issues. It won't be a circus, it will be a meeting of professionals who know what the problems are and have intelligent suggestions as to how to solve some of them.
This is not his first meeting with global leaders of the civilized world this year. He has met with them numerous times. ALL of them have advised that they find him completely competent.
he had a bad debate.
It is NOT the end of the world or his campaign. In fact new polls are showing that the uncommitted independent voters were so turned off and disgusted by trumps refusal to answer questions and the constant lies he told that nearly 2% of them have committed to Biden.
He is not old nor is he incompetent and nobody is hiding anything. He had a full physical in April that he had his doctors release in its entirety for all to see. Not a report about how he will live to be 200, healthiest ever bullshit from Ronny 'Johnson' Jackson, but the Walter Reed evaluation he underwent in April. There is no sign of mental decline. In APRIL of 2024. From Walter Reed--full report available to all.
Stop your spiral into depression. Because the voters have already decided we want the man who has proven he can beat trump. Our man is Joe Biden. I wasn't a fan until he took office. I voted for him over the orange hyena. He has done so much. Not his staff--him. He has exceeded all expectations and brought sanity back to the office.
I personally know at least ten men in their 90's that may be frail and slower moving than they were, but they still have all their marbles. Competent as hell. And so is President Biden.
Stop your complaining and watch him the next month. In the meantime, stop being a Democrat downer. You aren't helping anyone or anything with your negativity.
I don't even bother reading you anymore. It is a waste of time. Work on your attitude. NOW.
Democrats... this is your "Churchill moment". You are now at war with a fascist movement, every bit as terrifying as the Nazis. If Chamberlain had not stepped down as PM in 1940, the outcome of WW2 would have been very different. Democrats need to see this for what it is. It is not a time for civil debates. It is time to fight for democracy, by whatever means possible. And you need a leader who is able and prepared to do that. Find your Churchill, Democrats - or democracy will be lost.
Agree with me that the campaign suffered a self inflicted wound with the debate that didn’t have to be scheduled this early and in return I’ll assume he survives to be confirmed at the convention. The age perception issue is now baked in. What’s the offset? So far, nothing.
The Biden campaign has failed to add to its existing strategy to address age. Trump will still be a primary focus, and Biden's exceptional achievements emphasized. Whether there's much more mileage left in pointing out how totally bad Trump is uncertain. The perception of the great economy as being otherwise is proving sticky because the only part of the electorate that has sustained experience with adjusting price expectations following inflation are the Boomers and remaining Silents. Someone used to buying a six pack of their favorite craft beer for $9.99 cannot understand why it went up to $12.99 and hasn't come back down. Switching to a cheaper industrial brew doesn't occur as an adaptation.
No one of any age can run a gaffe free campaign over the course of the next four months. Every one of Biden's senior moments will be taken as confirmation. Fair or not matters not a bit. What's needed is offsets.
Dobbs-proofing at the state level should be supercharged by a specific legislative proposal to codify Roe. Expanding the Supreme Court to 13 seats should be a promise. Opt-in Medicare at 60 should be offered. College costs for national service should be proposed. We have to give the voters something positive to show up. And while it has been sound policy to invest in restoring the industrial base and infrastructure of so many Red states, that wins no electoral college votes. Desalination for Arizona and Nevada would be a good start to reaping political rewards from public investment. Abroad and national defense requires rearmament to replace depleted stocks, expand capacity and transform our land war focus from a far off battlefield of the future while remaining equipped for the wars of yesterday. We should be paying Ukraine richly for technology transfer to us and begin to industrialize their equipment and method.
The campaign is doing nothing comparable. It doesn't matter if it can't or it won't. If the Biden campaign doesn't up its game it is going to lose us, not just him, the election.
" ...If Joe steps away, that strategy falls to pieces. And what are they left with? A man who is obviously mentally ill in a seriously dangerous way. A man who cannot string together a sentence that is coherent or makes any sense. A man who has simply decided to lie over and over again, without apology."
This quotation and what preceded it in your article is. just so spot on, in my opinion.
Biden has done a good job during his term, particularly when considering with what he was left. To witness his outward physical deterioration and apparently increasing frailty is difficult to accept but not unusual for individuals around his age. Neither is it of any particular signficance in comparison with ageing symptoms displayed by Trump. In neither case should age be the significant factor in any decision as to their electoral worth or capacity for sound decision-making in the office of POTUS.
What *is* different is the nature of what they have to say and the evidence of how each has behaved in office and what they achieved.
When we consider those factors it is clear that the election of Trump is what ought to be feared, both for his demented and insane rantings, his arrogant self-aggrandisement and threats of retribution to any who don't suit his distorted views on what constitutes a "Great America" and his past record of abuse of workers, women and anyone who stands in his way.
It is those factors on which the mainstream media ought to be focusing. It is those factors that ought to be highlighted by the Democrats and, in neither case simply as attacks or abuse of his character, (for it is what it is and anyone with open eyes and an intelligent appraisal can see that), but as clearly explained, disastrous and harmful results of his being elected. American voters need to be shown just what to expect and why it would be both harmful and wrong.
It is for that reason that I think it would be preferable for Joe Biden to stand down, now, and allow his VP to take up the fight to Trump and his sycophantic, self-serving GOP supporters.
With Biden off the stage, as you so rightly suggest, Trump and the GOP will be robbed of an easy target and the focus can go where it should - on the rights and wrongs of what government ought to be and equitable and equal rights and choices for all Americans.
Biden has revealed himself to be an arrogant, incompetent politician whose desperate grasp onto the reins of power will drag our nation and our democracy into a raging fire pit of destruction. He is mentally and morally indistinguishable from Donald Trump.
Not at all. Your view as represented here is simplistic and your notion of there being no distinction between the mental and moral fitness of Biden and Trump completely contrary to all evidence.
I agree, it is starting to feel like arrogance.
I couldn't disagree more. Joe has done a tremendous job and has been the most transformational president since FDR. The media (and writers like you) are creating a potential self-fulfilling prophecy by focusing on Biden's age and his stumbles.
Have you seen his travel schedule and how much he's done since the debate?
He's not stepping down. So you should probably accept it and back him as much as you can.
I've got the same concern re:: Biden's tilt towards arrogance. And the Democratic Party's complicity. Are they closer to the Trump Republicans than we can admit?
He is not arrogant. He is pissed that people have seen all he has done and still want to groan and moan about his poor debate performance rather than what they see him doing every single day. He is not out playing golf and watching television all day.
Yet, every time there is an opportunity a percentage of folks are complaining about his age. His full health evaluation is available on line from a medical team that just provided his 2024 annual exam in April. It includes his neurological condition--no sign of impairment. No sign of disease. Transparency. This is not a statement from a corrupt doctor, it is his presidential annual checkup. Available. Online. To anyone who wants to see it. No redactions.
No. This developing notion within the thread is simplistic and false. It does not bear scrutiny and runs against the evidence both past and current. It does no-one any favours other than those who are deluded enough to consider that Trump ought ever to be allowed any public office again, let alone that of POTUS.
Several of our friends and families are relocating to different countries for one and one reason TRUMP. We know of eight different families that have successfully moved and we do not know a lot of people Most of them went into action in 2020 they are all retired and most of them have savings and or pension plans along with social security payments not one is a millionaire. There plan is that the retired go first and establish eventually bringing the younger generations.The first thing they accomplished was when Biden came into office was for him to look at Americans getting a dual citizenship Biden passed a four month stay in country of choice of course not all countries are involved such as New Zealand,Australia and many more do not want 65 and over immigration. Yet there are a lot of countries with open arms. Belize, Costa Rica, Canada Ireland, to name a few. With dual citizenship you still get your social security benefits. It’s just an option that we should all consider
If he is corruptly elected, we have started our plan to move out of the country. Our children and grandchildren are also considering the relocation. We are heading for the Caribbean.
No, sorry, I will NOT abandon the ship. Someone needs to stay here and resist, in big and small ways. I am in my mid 60s, so not quite old but definitely not young. We are not rich, but we could afford to move.
I don't know what I will do or exactly what my resistance will look like, but I will stay and resist.
This weekend, I watched a 2019 movie titled "A Hidden Life".
It was based on a true story of an Austria man who refused to swear an oath to Hitler during WWII. The script was taken in part from the letters he and his wife wrote each other while he was imprisoned. Throughout the movie, everyone kept telling this consientious objector to simply take the oath: what difference was his holding out going to make in the overall outcome of the war.
The title comes from George Eliot's Middlemarch (follow the link above to see the quote) and gets at the notion that people living well, doing the right, just thing--even if noone is looking or if it will not change the overall greater outcome--contributes to a better world.
Maybe that's all I'll be able to do--something more symbolic than transformative. But I'll do what I can.