1 Comment
Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Thanks as always for another great piece, Martin. I also believe Joe has got to go. I do appreciate his service to our country.

In 2020, when a few Dems started rallying around him, I was NOT happy (thinking: just what we need, another old white guy). But Joe rallied the troops and got the job done.

When he said he'd only serve for 1 term, I thought: How's that going to work? (I think Joe thought if he beat Orange PoS, that said PoS would go away. Of course, we now know otherwise. )

When he decidd to run for a second term, I was weary. As you pointed out many times, he got a lot of good things accomplished, but he's 4 years older, and we know that the president you ages you faster than. "normal" life.

His debate performance was the final straw. If he were 20 years younger, we could say. "It was one bad night." But at his age, we know better.

I do believe Joe still has the COMPETENCE to be a good president. If he remains the Democratic candidate, I will vote for him.

But his PERFORMANCE--especially as a candidate--is suffering and poor. And there are a whole bunch of undecided voters who are only looking at his performance as a candidate. I'm afraid he can't win, and there's too much at stake for Joe to fail.

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