God, were it not so. Time to gird our loins and focus. With these new Supreme powers can't Biden assassinate Trump, or several members of Congress? Or declare Martial law? Or overrule the Supreme Court? The Supremes ruling affects the Presidency not just Trump!

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I think I can offer an honest and objective view - from across the pond. Here in the UK, Trump is seen for what he is - a deranged narcissist, who is a threat to democracy. And Joe Biden's presidency is seen for what it is - hugely successful. But... does he look like someone who can do another 4 years? No. Does he look like someone who can beat Trump? No.

What are the options? First things first... There is absolutely no point in the Dems continuing as if this is a fair fight. It's not a level playing field when your opponent(s) have adopted lying and cheating as their core strategy. So that's the first hurdle, they need to get over - and quick.

Option 1. Biden stands down and the Dems get themselves a fighter who is capable of dealing with Trump and his cult. And is prepared to do whatever it takes to win.

Option 2. Biden gets dirty and uses his newly acquired King-like powers to take action against those that threaten democracy in the US. And I don't mean talk - or taking the moral high ground. I mean locking people up - right now. Charge them with insurrection, treason, I don't like your face, whatever the fuck he wants. SCOTUS says that's OK now - didn't they?

Option 3. Both of the above.

I can't imagine the panic and melt-downs you guys are going through. But, I can tell you, this is scaring the shit out of many of us here in the UK too.

I wish all of you who are in the fight for democracy, the very best of luck. You'll need it.

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Do we hear anything suggesting that the powers of the Democratic party are in serious debate over this issue? It must come down to one of two paths: Either Biden chooses, of his own volition, to step aside, or the leaders of the Party convince him that stepping aside is in the country's best interest. Or, the Party dithers, letting the whole issue fester, waiting for Biden to act on his own. At the least, the Party should take a stand: In or Out -- with a plan to go forward, new potential candidates and all.

If Biden chooses to remain or leave, his window is narrow. By next Monday, after the Fourth, Biden must address the people with a declarative statement. If he chooses to stay, it had better be a barn-burner speech to re-establish his cognitive legitimacy. If he bows out, it needs to be an equally inspirational speech for democracy and the future of America under a new standard bearer.

To let this question hang in space just speaks even more plainly that he is no longer able to act decisively. I'm worried that he will announce that he is continuing with a no fanfare statement, and no major address to the people to bolster his failing ratings.

I have to admit; I'm scared, and I daresay, I'm not alone .

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I understand what you are thinking yet my sources are family relatives and friends that are working in the White House that have worked with Joe Biden for decades on my Dads side his cousin was Governor of Delaware till 1995 he’s 85 going strong retired from politics and definitely hard of hearing.here is what they tell me is yes that Joe is fighting a cold he has not been in the public eye since January 2024 he doesn’t have any big public appearances scheduled which does personally worry me. They DONT HAVE A REPLACEMENT everyone is shooting out names that are far from ready and have dark skeletons in their closets also do not poll above Trump that there is not enough time to change that around I was told that Michele Obama is the ONLY one that polling shows she could beat Trump I hate to rely on polling but I have been repeatedly told it’s not what I think. I am not up to date nor am I educated in politics I just have the connections that do work in the White House and are close to Joe Biden even with that said what they have told me is their personal take please understand that there are thousands upon thousands of people that fit into that description and have a lot of different opinions

Michell's has every thing that we could dream of her education her personality her age and of course her husband. Democrats have to love their choice republicans fall in line has been a old saying but I’m starting to clearly see it

been told on several different occasions that Kamala Harris has been spending the last few years in training and has been properly introduced to the world she has been burning the midnight oil on learning every presidential duty. Everyone that knows her has been beyond impressed. Yet we the people have a very low opinion and her polling runs so low that we would definitely lose. Do keep in mind that she could do the job

This is my opinion only that they have been keeping Biden out of the public eye since the start which whoever’s decision this was ( told definitely not Jill) is not only wrong but has become catastrophic. Biden today fell behind Trump and it is directly due to the democratic party shitting on itself . It’s going to take Michelle Obama to say YES and Kamala to step back and be VP or Biden stays on there opinion is that there are no other people ready at this date to wear Biden’s shoes I can’t over emphasize that we need to pull up our broken boot straps and UNITE on what ever decisions the Democrats hand us like it or not we are at the gate of fascism.

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Here is the elephant in the room by removing Biden the other refills all have huge skeletons in their closets which the Republican Party is well aware of you say oh it can’t be as bad as Trump yes it is with the force they have with Fox News we would definitely be in a worst place than we are right now Biden’s experience his connections are irreplaceable. Biden just doesn’t have a good look and stutter as far as him dropping dead at any moment here’s a reality any of us can drop dead today it’s called life. The Democratic Party always has to love their candidate I got that we need to UNITE and anyone that moves forward on replacing Biden is doing it only to bring attention to themselves it has got to stop it is definitely not for the good of the country. You desperately want to beat Trump? It makes his day every time somebody brings up removing Biden your playing into a Putin game. Here is the ONLY solution STAND STRONG FOR BIDEN

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I think you are missing the point. Biden’s age and perceived issues are a big problem with voters, not his leadership skills. And for those like myself, who have been supporters, the debate reaffirmed our worst worries. And why not have a woman president? Hilary lost because she was extremely unpopular but times have changed. We are overdue for a female leader. Many world leaders are women.

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With democracy now hanging by a thread, there are no other options. If Biden won’t let go, that thread will snap.

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I just cannot imagine people knowingly putting the nuclear codes back into that lunatics hands - it was roulette the first time.

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