Where our views diverge is where you utter your categorical expressions of contempt for Republicans, the Republican Party, and political conservatism. With a stroke of your pen, figuratively speaking, you condemn a significant number of your fellow citizens as hypocrites, bigots, and ignoramuses (ignorami?) I recognize your willingness to engage in a dialogue, on an individual basis, with those whose views differ from yours on specific issues, and I salute that. But your blanket condemnation of those horrible MAGA people sounds a sour note in my brain. The phrase Make America Great Again is hardly treasonous. It's just a political slogan like any other.
Where our views diverge is where you utter your categorical expressions of contempt for Republicans, the Republican Party, and political conservatism. With a stroke of your pen, figuratively speaking, you condemn a significant number of your fellow citizens as hypocrites, bigots, and ignoramuses (ignorami?) I recognize your willingness to engage in a dialogue, on an individual basis, with those whose views differ from yours on specific issues, and I salute that. But your blanket condemnation of those horrible MAGA people sounds a sour note in my brain. The phrase Make America Great Again is hardly treasonous. It's just a political slogan like any other.