This all a lot of nonsense from all of you armchair neurologists. Your refrain to all of your friends and family should be. "I will vote for Biden if his head is stuffed and on the wall before I will vote for Trump. Biden's accomplishments and his surrounding staff and cabinet have been extraordinary at doing their jobs and getting things done. That is not going to change." What needs to change is all the pearl clutching by those acting out of fear. Biden's accomplishments demonstrate his vision for the country. The absolute requirement for a dedicated and informed staff in the complexities of running the administration will keep that vision in place. The alternative is too ugly to even imagine. I suggest everyone read or watch Professor Alan Lichtman.

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Thanks as always, Martin. Did you happen to see the press snippet of a Kamala Harris speech from yesterday? She was spectacular (at least in the snippet I saw). I'm paraphrasing but my emphasis point is hers; she said:

Donald Trump's instigation of the insurrection on Jan 6, 2021 DISQUALIFIES him to be Commander in Chier. Let me repeat that (she said): It DISQUALIFIES him from being Commander in Chief.

Of course, she was talking morally (not making legal proclamations). But it was spot-on, forceful, compelling.

My husband--who my political junky friends and I classify as a "normy" (not as obsessed with politics as we are)--was duly impressed and said something to the effect: That is the kind of thing Dems need to be out there saying to beat tRump.

My husband is kind of my touchstone for what resonants with "average voters".

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When Biden lost to Trump in the debate, he lost the election. His interview with Stephanopholous did more harm than good. He continues to fumble words and thoughts. And he refuses to take a cognitive test. Every day he gets worse, and every day he sinks further and further in all the polls. These are objective and indisputable facts.

What are his advisors and acolytes watching? Are they paying attention to any of this?

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Right on, Martin. I'll share on Facebook as I continue to try to convince all my nearly 5,000 Bernie friends on there that Biden needs to retire.

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