Jacob, thx for the comments and compliments (I think!). Bear in mind that this is a capitalist economy. It needs regulation to work but socialism’s track record across history is dismal.

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Thank you for the three different perceptions. I agree with most of them. The vast majority of the country--the silent workers who do their job and take care of their families--want government to sit the f*ck down and do their job. Their job is not seeing who can be the loudest, brazenly idiotic representative, but to actually represent their district--regardless of party--and get the country running.

The Democrats are waiting patiently for the GQP children to realize there will be no invite to return if they don't show they can do the job. I think if there are no big catastrophic events, that Democrats will mop the floor with the GQP. Not because anyone necessarily loves Democrats, but we have to get rid of the trash. Hopefully the conservatives will put together a policy platform and run serious candidates who have education and experience in governing.

Or maybe we should go to Ranked Choice Voting. I haven't seen a serious downside to that form of democratic voting.

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Ranked choice works when there are more than two candidates, as in a primary. But in a one on one election it would not work, partly because most members of a party won’t vote for the other party ever. That’s a reflection of where we are at these days- we’re polarized.

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Regarding the first "Medium" piece. It is hard to know where Martin Edic lives or what you do with your day but Martin Edic is missing a lot here. He says "I write about this stuff all the time, though I’d rather not." Well maybe some of the problem (I m being respectful, okay?) is Martin is missing the cause, or the "why" of why such imbeciles (and I have a history of officially designating Trump an imbecile even though he has been getting a little smarter I think) even exist. Martic Edic is covering the right without covering the so-called "left," which is a group using leftist ideas as their ideological base. But this current left or liberal side of the Congress is guilty of many, many very bad things. Try, Martin sir, to investigate THOSE people a little!

I definitely sympathize with and hope you succeed as a communicative writer. However, in the three articles to which this comment is appended I also spotted several unclear passages or contradictions.

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Thing is that there is virtually no 'left' in Congress. When you are a sliver faction you can't do much bad stuff.

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I mean SUPPOSEDLY "left." These are persons I cannot support and they are the whole Democrat side. You notice there are all sort of attempts to flag what I am talking about. I say left, liberal, "so-called" and I put the word into the ("") markings. Edic thinks these persons are just fine and I cannot agree with Edic. I do NOT think Bernie Sanders is necessarily doing the "bad stuff." But he is the only one staying true to leftist roots as I remember it. This new group I cannot agree with the basic Democratic side and they are who I meant. There is not other word I can find except "left," so I am still calling them that. But sadly, they no longer have legitimacy for me. Even AOC does not seem quite right, truthfully. So you had better kiss the authentic left goodbye. It's over for anyone who has the eyes to see it. Many do not.

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The problem with Bernie is he has never actually got anything passed in a long career in Congress. Governing requires compromise. The extreme left, as with the extreme right, does not understand this. The world is not black and white, it is nuanced. The progressives, by being inflexible, limit their ability to get anything real done. Just like their opponents. We need compromise. Nothing is perfect.

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That has not been the case since maybe the nineteen eighties. Much has been written about the way politics has changed. People do not compromise anymore. Again, your response is a rather standard sort of statement, what some call a kind of "boilerplate." I see you do that, and I have other Substack writers I read who are doing this. But I do want to add that I have liked your pieces I have read over the last few months. You have an engaging style. It has been a good run. I just do not actually agree with your whole viewpoint in general. I favor an aggressive liberal economic policy to regulate capitalism. But it looks like it is too late for it and we can only watch as human civilization gradually worsens and do whatever we can to slow down the coming awfulness. Again thanks for your writing. If is always good to be open-minded and get a multiplicity of views. I feel very grateful for all that I have enjoyed over al lifetime of living in the "good old USA," which is perhaps not the same place it was, but let's hope we can enjoy a few more precious years.

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