As a Brit cum Limey, otherwise a coffin dodger, I can not fathom the dystopian nightmare of the Republican Party supporting the failed orange one - some sort of reality dysfunction at work. Never the less I shouldn't throw stones in the glass house, we have the nasty party still in office here in the UK, on course for a rude trashing possible surpassing the Canucks stunning defeat retaining only two seats. If that happens I might start believing there is a deity at large working in some mysterious ways.

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Oh, how I like the way you express this morass of perfidious insanity. Indeed, it could only originate with a deity because it is the fanciful stuff of myth that only those who refuse to accept the truth of Russells Teapot, could possibly conceive of such a bizarre conundrum as that in which the USA now finds itself, let alone the continual re-election of right-wing, self-serving, materialism matters - people don't, conservative governments, all of which demonstrate again and again that they don't give a toss for the proverbial 'man, (or woman), in the street.

The saddest thing of all, for me, is that none of those misguided, conditioned or outright charlatans will be brought to account for they will simply return to the minute particles from which they originated - no St. Peter, no Heaven, no Hell ... and though I am pacific in nature and will no harm on anyone, I must admit that on occasion, I am tempted ...

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