I have a comment to make vis a vis the section of your post about President Biden, with a focus on this sentence: "But a lot of political observers, including myself, believe this fades when faced with the choice between Biden and Trump."

Here’s my concern about today’s posting. You, and way too many other people, keep saying and writing that it’s a choice between Biden and Trump. I find both of them to be sorry excuses for human beings, much less candidates for President of the United States.

This time around, however, we are not faced with a binary choice between the Lesser of Two Evils (or the Evil of Two Lessers). Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is ready to serve the interests of the American people, not the corporate oligarchy. I happen to think he is our country’s last best hope for a truly good and honorable and intelligent national leader. Given the multitude of vested interests he is opposing along with his family history, I also consider him to be the bravest man in the world.

RFK, Jr. is truly a viable, and highly desirable, candidate—or would be if more people such as yourself would free themselves from the Biden-Trump dualistic worldview. The establishment media seem to take endless delight in either ignoring Kennedy altogether, or distorting and disparaging his positions on the important issues of the day. Folks need to listen to what he says and read what he wrote rather than relying on biased second-hand sources.

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What about RFK traveling on Jeffrey Epsteins plane? And his sickening anti vaxx lies. The man is nuts. His own family has disowned him. How is he qualified to be president in any way?

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As I wrote, please read or listen to his actual words and ideas. Riding on Epstein's plane is not a heinous act in itself; I don't know if there is anything more to the story than that, but neither do you.

With emphasis now: ***RFK, Jr. is not "anti vaxx"!*** He merely wants vaccines to be proven safe and effective before they are injected into human beings on a mass scale.

Some of his family may have "disowned" him; others have not. Each "side" has its own personal reasons for their beliefs.

As to qualifications, he is vastly more qualified to be president than either the amoral narcissist who preceded our current President or our current President himself, a demented warmonger with his finger on the nuclear trigger. Oh, and speaking of pedophiles, have you seen the way the current President likes to fondle young children? In public? That is at least as suspicious as riding on a pedophile's airplane.

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Couldn't have said it better, myself. A pleasure to read and get personal reinforcement which helps me influence others. Thank you

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