Well you know any of us reading your column are paying attention. Among my biggest concerns: Republican senators will wimp out rather than defy tRump. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will wring their hands, they'll be strong armed behind close doors, then come up with some cockimamie excuse to vote for these clown nominees.

As for the holidays: I'm not in the mood but worried this will be the last time we can actually celebrate. Next year could be who knows what.

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Trump in the company of Thiel, Musk and Bezos, is looking more like the hapless Howard Hughe in I. Their company. They have a singular agenda to enrich themselves through automation and surveillance, whilst Trump becomes a yes man. He wouldn’t even release JFK files last time, when told not to. What makes anyone believe a leopard changes its spots? Musk is going to Mars for minerals and Thiel is bringing Uyghur surveillance to Washington.

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I am sorry but if you think there is nothing we can do now, you value the system more than the Greek citizens you are writing about. This is the exact feckless, worthless, spineless, dem attitude that got us into this mess. WAKE TF UP!!!! Strike! It's non-violent and it WORKS.

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A nation-wide strike might get some attention. You gonna organize that? Do you think all the MAGA voters will strike? Do you think in precarious economic times, unions, etc. would strike? Federal workers? Air traffic controllers did that in the 1980s and Reagan fired their asses. What do you think the deranged orange stain will do? Of course, the stain might just fire all the Federal workers anyways.

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LOL. Read about 3.5%. Don’t need a single MAGAt, not a one. Fuck brunch libs for shooting down every idea. When they come to your house to burn it down, don’t ask for help. WTF is your solution? Hope? More compromise? Civility? Meet genocide in the middle. If you HAVEN’T NOTICED, this country is COLLAPSING right before our eyes.

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