Your surmise that there are a few Republicans with backbones isn't supported by any evidence - at least so far. It IS a fond hope of mine (I like to think the best of folks), but so far, even Rs that had a backbone in the last 6 or so years seem to have succumbed to melting backbone syndrome, possibly due to over absorption in Faux Noise.
All of Trump’s picks would be equally bad for the country, but I suppose there’s no hope of blocking them all.
Martin, can you point to the Brooks piece pointing out the Trump-only ballots? I read his NYT column regularly and cannot find it!
It was on his regular Friday MSNBC interview.
Your surmise that there are a few Republicans with backbones isn't supported by any evidence - at least so far. It IS a fond hope of mine (I like to think the best of folks), but so far, even Rs that had a backbone in the last 6 or so years seem to have succumbed to melting backbone syndrome, possibly due to over absorption in Faux Noise.