Very scary, if you are afraid of your shadow. We will come to appreciate the fact that nature (Mother Nature) is unpredictable one of these days. Yes, our future politicians should be required to have a special certificate in earth science, at the very least, not only one in World History and The History of Civilizations. We will not have the luxury of arguing facts from rapid imaginations, ignorance vs polls & data /Big DATA etc. Time is relative but very relevant! Space and Place will matter in as much as we are alive and have agency over our lives, regardless of the stock market. When I was a child it use to be fun to walk in the rain and skip over mud puddles! What will the future be for childhood's? Will their future matter? The challenge is to leave the earth a better place than when we got it!

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Don't panic. We will run out of fossil fuels before we completely destroy the planet - and civilisation as we know it, will cease to exist. Oh yeah!...


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With no insurance, no rebuild, no property tax base...communities die?

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Absolutely. I read an article recently (the NYTs maybe?) that explained how younger, higher-income people will leave because they can. The poor and elderly will remain because they can't afford to go anywhere. The tax base will be decimated causing an even further spiral downward (no money for schools, police, fire, medical services, etc.) for those people left behind.

Ronnie D will be the governor of a swamp where no one can say "climate change", but everyone will be living it.

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