A rather inspiring article overall in my opinion. My reluctance to publish, and reach for readers, seems to be an intuition that once I begin I will shortly run out of things to say and would continue to write and post simply to keep the ball rolling rather than having much of any substance to contribute. I am impressed by several writers than can roll out a stimulating offering on a regular basis. I think I am at a point where I seem to have lots to learn so I am more comfortable as a reader than I am as a writer.
Bruce, I get that. The nice thing about these platforms is you can choose to publish when you want. I think Medium would be a better place for the occasional piece than a newsletter platform like substack where a schedule is more expected.
It is my experience that as you publish more frequently and begin to feel more comfortable in your writer skin, there will be more you want to say. But if you aspire to be a writer of any kind, you’re not really there until you have readers. But we need readers too!
Thanks for commenting. It’s great to hear your voice here. M
That resonates with me. I have only recently landed on Medium and know little about Substack. I can see it has pieces on a variety of topics with a few regular contributors but mostly unfamiliar ones.
My present issue, I think, is that I lack expertise in some areas so it tis difficult to weave together a convincing presentation. (I took Chemistry in university, not all that useful)
True that we need readers, I often seem to be writing stuff to myself.
A rather inspiring article overall in my opinion. My reluctance to publish, and reach for readers, seems to be an intuition that once I begin I will shortly run out of things to say and would continue to write and post simply to keep the ball rolling rather than having much of any substance to contribute. I am impressed by several writers than can roll out a stimulating offering on a regular basis. I think I am at a point where I seem to have lots to learn so I am more comfortable as a reader than I am as a writer.
Bruce, I get that. The nice thing about these platforms is you can choose to publish when you want. I think Medium would be a better place for the occasional piece than a newsletter platform like substack where a schedule is more expected.
It is my experience that as you publish more frequently and begin to feel more comfortable in your writer skin, there will be more you want to say. But if you aspire to be a writer of any kind, you’re not really there until you have readers. But we need readers too!
Thanks for commenting. It’s great to hear your voice here. M
That resonates with me. I have only recently landed on Medium and know little about Substack. I can see it has pieces on a variety of topics with a few regular contributors but mostly unfamiliar ones.
My present issue, I think, is that I lack expertise in some areas so it tis difficult to weave together a convincing presentation. (I took Chemistry in university, not all that useful)
True that we need readers, I often seem to be writing stuff to myself.