Got my wheels going at 5:45 am. Go Martin! Your Phoenix is rising

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So, I'm not sure what provoked this personal crisis in your life. I only remember something about your payment with Medium being deemphasized and then you going to a party, getting drunk, smashing your face into a window causing injuries that sent you to the hospital. Seems it must be something deeper than this ???

Also, one thing that has bothered me is that I don't see you interacting with your readers in the comments. It's as if your readers are much of a concern to you. I think you need to nurture them or they will lose interest. As a writer myself, the first thing we're taught to consider is our audience.

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Why did you roll your eyes? Martin has shared a lot of personal stuff that invites interaction, don't you agree? It seemed to me he was leaving something out or maybe I missed a blog that had that information. I'm not sure. Seemed he was bummed by the change in the payment arrangements of Medium, and the next thing I read was about that accident that sent him to the hospital.

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Tom, if you’re a writer, you’d see a story unfolding here that is playing out over time. It’s called my life. And I had a major wake up call. I’m telling that story the way my mind works and I don’t need to explain everything literally because that is not the way it is unfolding for me. I respond when asked to explain something or when a comment demands a response. Not every time.

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I do, but what is the cause? You haven't explained it, or maybe you don't know either and you are searching for the answer? All I can gather is that you believe you have a drinking problem -- too many martinis. What is the reason for that? Is that what you're trying to find out? Maybe that's why you're a writer and why we all gravitate to that expression, or maybe any form of art? The need to understand ourselves and the reason for our existence ???

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Tom, my writing is my commentary. It’s all in there if you read between the lines. That’s all I got.

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Wow, Martin, you've covered alot of ground here. The Odyssey to magical realism to nihilism to trump's mugshot. Yes. I see that. Thanks for getting my wheels turning at 8:00 a.m. Sunday!

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