Hi Martin, I'm in the camp "I'm good with the frequency of your writing." As I recall your pieces are always insightful, clear and succinct.

The direction of Medium is unfortunate on so many levels. As for the quality of writing, I think it's like free speech: everyone has the right, but you wish people would either a) think and edit more before hitting the "post" button or b) just wouldn't.

Like someone else else mentioned above: I like the convenience of getting all my content in one place (Medium), but I have heard many (of what I consider to be the good) writers say that Medium is not being fair with their economics for writers--so I understand. But my funds are limited, too, so I can't afford to individually support everyone.

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You asked for some comments; happy to oblige.

I always read your articles, but I confess I'm often annoyed at the steady drumbeat of Trump-bashing. Everybody knows how offensive Trump is; he makes it impossible not to. But not everyone shares your apparent adoration for Biden. I for one find the prospect of four more years of his lily-livered performance as the chief executive of the United States of America repugnant.

Depending on what happens between now and November 5, I may well prefer a blowhard who gets things done -- "convicted felon" and all -- to a namby-pamby stumblebum who can't find his way offstage after delivering a speech.

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Gets things done? Like what? He played golf half the time he was supposed to be governing. Trump is repulsive and a danger to our democracy. That’s why I write this stuff. I actually care about the future. Sorry, but I disagree with everything you said. Supporting a convicted felon is insane.

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You absolutely nailed that one, Martin. I empathize with Clemson N Page but hope he reconsiders. More of Biden is even keel and what we need at this point. Trump and his cast of criminals is disaster in the making.

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Fair enough. It's only politics. I'm not too worried about "our democracy". It's thrived for almost 250 years; even with the dilution of our national character from your sweetheart Biden's open-borders insanity, I have faith that the American people can keep their focus on the great principles laid down by our founders.

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Woa, man. You don't get it at all

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"Woa" [sic] That's certainly a HeLpFuL CoMmeNt. Now I understand. I "don't get it at all." You're obviously just Smarter Than I Am, so I'll just shut up and hope Biden and the Democrats just keep on ruining the country.

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I'm sorry, Clemson, I don't usually post such judgemental proclamations in any online forum. I answered this quickly while on a very long car ride, and I shouldn't have done so when in a cranky state of mind. I apologize.

However, after reading the overview of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 (https://www.project2025.org/) and reading Martin regularly (discussing climate issues and the country and the world falling to right-wing authoritarianism, etc.) and Brexit, Putin's unprovoked war on Ukraine, and other authoritarian scary world events, etc., etc., I cannot understand how ANYONE is not worried about the fate of our Democracy--which our Founding Fathers referred to as "an experiment".

The fact that our country has existed for 250 years is, IMHO, no indication that our Democracy will prevail. I guess I was also surprised that someone who reads Martin regularly would believe such a thing. Silly me.

I am a Democrat because I align with the basic stated principles of the party. I do not believe the Dem Party/candidates are "perfect" or "always right/infallible" etc. But I do believe the Dems are our only viable shot of our country continuing as a Democracy. With the current polarization (due in part to the rise of "partisan" news and social media), the hopes and success of a new "more moderate" 3rd party are nil. (I knew of at least 2 groups trying to get organized last year (e.g, the "Forward Party"), but I haven't heard a thing about them recently.

Was Biden my first choice in 2020? Absolutely not. I never thought he could win, and when he said he would only be in for 1 term, I thought, "How is that gonna work?" (I believe Biden thought if he defeated the Orange Man (OM), said OM would go away forever, and "things would return to 'normal' (normal = how things had been since ~the end of WWII)", which, of course, has not happened and never will. )

But Biden did win. And while NOT perfect, he's done many good things (which Martin has discussed in many of his pieces).

I think the only person who can wield the power of the incumbent is the incumbent. So like it or not, Biden is the guy in 2024.

Do I think he'll win? I sure hope so, but I'm far from certain. I am working hard (organizing Dems in my precinct to vote, donating, etc.) to make sure he does win. Because I do think if OM wins again, the conservative Republicans are really organized to take the maximum possible advantage of the moment to enact an ultra-rightwing, authoritarian agenda that will end our Democracy as we've known it in my lifetime.

FYI, IMHO, I think if my US Senator, John Fetterman, had not had a stroke, he might have run for president and could have beat the OM. But we'll never know.

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The word MAGA makes me sick. From the time he exploded onto the scene with his bloviating, narcissistic "Apprentice" program, I've had little more than contempt for the OM. I'm paying close attention to the campaign. Whichever undesirable candidate "wins", I believe the American people have the courage to halt any attempts to ruin the country -- either with authoritarian power grabs or with limp-wristed attempts to piss away all the good things about it.

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I like your writing. It’s authentic and clear, insightful and easy to read. Every day works for me. I also happen to agree with your views on things, although I am less hopeful about the near future.

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Thanks for writing. I'm following for pleasure, education and inspiration

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Please write as often as you feel the need or desire. I have appreciated what I've read of your work though I admit that, for lack of time my reading of anyone is inconsistent. I, too, use both Substack and Medium and gave up Twitter and Facebook long before Twitter morphed into X.

I enjoy the freedom of both Substack and Medium and, though I generally find Substack to have more of what I consider worthwhile and 'fresh' or original content, I find its writers much more defensive and some even arrogantly so as compared with Medium. Medium, however, for me has far too much superficial, poorly written content and many whose almost, if not sole motivation seems to be to generate income. That may or may not be reasonable depending on one's point of view. Where 'I' have a problem with it is when the content is ill-considered, click-bait, or poorly written, yet presented as though it is model prose or poetry. In the latter category, I consider there is certainly far too much that is unworthy of the name.

However, of course that is just my point of view. As with all, there will be many others, some similar, some not, some favourable, some oppossed.

In the case of your own writing, I have only ever found it to be satisfyingly worth reading. So, yes, again I'd say, as much as it is important and I appreciate that you are considering the wishes or views of your audience - set your own standards for those are likely to most support your finding satisfaction with what you offer, in turn making it more attractive to those who receive it.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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First of all, Martin, I enjoy reading your insights and am glad you're still on Medium. I'm an "old dog" like you, and have a similar take on the news of the day, and like to hear fresh ways to interpret what we already know or agree upon. Having skipped around a few of the blog and writer sites, I find that I no longer care to fall for click bait titles, rehashing some forgettable news item or exaggerating some generally unimportant tidbit. As much as I support and wish the success of sites like Daily Kos and Raw Story, the stories rarely teach me much that is new, but just rehash some news item. Medium, and Substack, on the other hand, feature articles that really teach us something -- beyond opinion. I am aware that several writers talk of leaving Medium, or already have, due to Medium's pay policies. This is unfortunate for me, since I so much enjoy the interactions with so many decent and bright people, who write so much that is worth reading. The difference between a site like FaceBook, which I almost never use, is that the general social chatter on Facebook bores me to tears. So for as long a you keep turning out your "stream of consciousness", I'll keep reading what you have to say. The best compliment I can think of is that you always make sense.

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