Thank you for your writings. I appreciate you and your words keep me grounded and centered. I am a subscriber, but is there a place that I can add a tip from time to time?

From Marilyn in California

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Marilyn, thanks for the comment! The Buy Me A Coffee link at the end of my pieces is a site where you can make small donations in $5 increments. It’s legitimate and safe. ME

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You're working with me. Keep it up and stay dry

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I am having trouble with my Medium subscription (it doesn’t recognize me as a subscriber) so I’m seeing yours in my gmail account. I’ll look again, but when yours drops in my inbox it doesn’t expand to the ‘buy me a coffee.’ Yours is the only medium account that I can open to read because I had signed up to have it emailed, too.

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Marilyn, this is not Medium, this is a Substack Newsletter. Somehow you must have subscribed to this, either for free or paid. I’m not really sure why you are not seeing the note at the end of the posts. I’m in the process of leaving Medium.

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To be purely cynical, I hope the hurricane wallops Florida just to make desantis back into a corner.

To outlaw the term Climate Change in legal documents is insane. Or something like that. Denial gets one nowhere. Soon or later people are going to have to leave the warm states because they will give out of water or the sea will coming knocking at their door.

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Thank you Martin, UK coffin dodger here - unfathomable the lack of empathy when a disaster happens and all commentary is allied to political standpoints. The loss of life in the Ukraine/Russian conflict grips me - young men slaughtered on both sides, it's a grisly way to exit and painful - the prelude to the Ukraine war was the Georgian partial annexation, not reported on by the awful biased media. Non so blind as those who do not want to see. We need commentary by you Martin to highlight the inadequacies of the media.

regards, Adrian.

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Martin I always look for your writing and always find a very good feeling after I have read anything you have written even if the topic is political I feel “ common sense “ yes that’s what it is good old common sense. My husband and I always appreciate a Martin Edic read

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