Facts Matter: The 2020 Election Was Not Stolen. Get Real.
Trump’s constant lying is destroying the American Dream
It is said that if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it is true. This maxim is at the heart of the Trump campaign strategy and it is working. It may feed his ego and rave up his followers but the damage he is doing is very real.
It is estimated via polling, that 25% of the American public believe the 2020 election was stolen, giving proof that the constant blatant lying is working. To be absolutely clear, the election was not stolen, rigged, crooked, or anything else he claims. He lost over sixty court cases around the country trying to prove his lies.
He can’t prove them because they are not true.
We are at a turning point and everyone needs to stop feeding this string of lies and accept the truth. We claim to treasure our individual freedoms, freedoms no other people on this planet share. Why would any of us, conservative to liberal, risk what we fought so hard to achieve?
As I write this it is three years to the day since the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 when a former president and his followers attempted a violent takeover of the American government. It was captured on over 65,000 hours of video and over a thousand so-called patriots have been arrested and convicted.
People died.
People died because that man ordered it and did nothing to stop it. He watched it on tv, ignoring pleas to take action to stop it. He took his own form of action. He did nothing.
Now three years later we await a series of trials with mountains of evidence of his criminal actions and yet he is still a leading candidate for the highest office in the land.
It is unimaginable what the consequences of his getting elected would be. Except we know what they would be, because he constantly tells us. He wants a police state run by a vengeful king no longer subject to any laws or oversight. He would be king.
It is interesting that it is impossible to exaggerate his claims or goals, because he has clearly stated them over and over. He faces prison and his only path out, in his mind, is to take total power and destroy the law that pursues him.
These are not, I repeat, theories, they are his stated goals. Yesterday, Joe Biden, the actual elected President, warned the country, in no uncertain terms, of the danger we face. The existence of our democracy is at risk.
When Trump first announced his run in 2015, fact checking journalists began tracking his lies until the count was too many to verify. Today they may number in the hundreds per day as he loses his grip on reality and spews out every crazy thing that enters his mind.
His own campaign managers have no control over what he says, threatens, or does. And he will crucify anyone who tries to stop him, even his closest advisors.
It’s no fun writing this because it’s not a movie script, it’s reality, our reality. I look out my window and wonder that one in four of the people I see are gullible enough, or lazy enough, or angry enough to let him think for them.
Billions of dollars are being made by media like Fox repeating and elaborating on these constant lies. Even an $887 million dollar fine didn’t even slow down the flow. It’s simply too profitable.
And that is what lies at the crux of all this. Greed and power. I understand the desire for power. It is human nature, an evolutionary trait designed to keep us alive. But the greed by those who already have unimaginable amounts of money is a form of mental illness.
If you have $100 million, you want $1 billion. If you have a billion, you want $100 billion.
This is the new American Dream being promoted by Trump and his followers, but it too has a massive lie at its core. Trump could care less what any of you want, including his rabid MAGA followers. He sees you as sheep he will happily lead to slaughter for his own ends.
We saw that three years ago and we see it today. Wake up.
~ I write The Grasshopper, a letter for creatives, The Witness Chronicles, a weekly digest of three of my articles on politics and climate, and The Remarkable, a recovery letter, about my addiction and reentry experience. All are weekly and free with a paid option to share your support. Please check them out.
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I doubt that the enormity of the catastrophe, which another Trump win would constitute, could be expressed any more clearly. Conditioning is powerful and insidiousness. Narcissistic demagoguery is inevitably a life destroyer for those who oppose it.
Democracy, even if flawed, is a wonderful notion, as is the concept, though also flawed, of representative office being open to anyone.
However, the freedoms epitomising these concepts cannot fulfill their aim unless they are accompanied by appropriate responsibilities - for all freedom requires responsibility, they are two sides of the same coin.
I read widely and for all I have learned of Trump's, character, activities and behaviour pre-election, during his office as POTUS and since his loss in 2020, I have seen no evidence that Trump understands the concept that freedom requires responsibility. If I am wrong and he does understand that concept, then the situation is even worse for he clearly chooses to ignore it.
Unfortunately, I see no sign that the majority of the US electorate have any real understanding of that concept, which has largely been responsible for the US, despite it being far from perfect, being one of the most free and open places in the World for its population. (Yes, I do recognise some notable exceptions but they 'prove the rule', rather than destroy it. I don't say that the nations is perfect.)
If Trump is reelected it will produce a situation more akin to that of a developing nation where opposing officers of the supposed national military have decided that *they* know better and will be better than their elected government and its institutions and therefore have some apparent *right* to seize power. They will then impose their personal versions of what constitutes 'the best' for the people and ensure the sanction, exclusion, false imprisonment or elimination of any that oppose them. The result is almost inevitably fat Swiss bank accounts for themselves and poverty for the people.
Does this sound familiar? It ought to for this is how Trump operates anyway and if given enough control, i.e. election to Potus, has even stated his intended fate for those who have upset him.
Is this really what US citizens want? Can they really not understand what is happening in front of them? Believe me, if it happens, (and it looks more likely each day), it will be a specious attempt at distance from their complicity to claim that they honestly thought 'Trump will save America.'
I was stunned when Trump first received the Republican nomination in 2016. I thought he was certain to lose. I was stunned again when he was elected. And again when I saw how vile and despicable he behaved as president. The attack on the Capital was a third-world atrocity. He is a liar, a rapist, a tax cheat, and an uninhibited sexist, racist, narcissist. Now, he is the leading candidate for president of the United States of America.
My views of Trump remain the same. My views of the rest of this country have changed.